Guided Emotional Management Strategies (GEMS)

Thanks for participating in our study on how COVID-19 has affected families in Minnesota! We have found that these times can be particularly stressful and have put together some Guided Emotional Management Strategies (GEMS) for you to use to help overcome challenge and stress. Using these strategies is not required to take part in the study but they are available for you to use as much or as little as you want. We will email you weekly to remind you they are there for you and will ask you to let us know if you have used them. Please read more about them below and click the GEM that is age suitable for your child. Feel free to do them together as a family!

Below you will find some tips we have compiled for you on practicing these GEMS with your child in addition to recorded audios (~5 minutes each) and scripts for five of these exercises.

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  • Listen to the GEM recording and follow along to the script before trying it with your child.
  • Make modifications where you feel you can tailor to the 'fit' of your child.  We have provided .docx script files for this purpose -- printing might also be helpful.
  • Consider how you will introduce GEMS to your child, and make sure this is during a calm and positive emotional state.
  • GEMS are most helpful if they are practiced at least 1-2x most days in quiet space for 2-3 months.
  • Don't worry if it seems your child isn't interested or following!  You can always do GEMS yourself, and maybe even in front of them!  What's good for you is good for your children.
  • Age-specific tips:
    • Preschool to first grade:  These children love pretend and magic.  We recommend "Family Storytime."  Get excited with your child and try to introduce at a calm, quiet time (ex. bedtime, after eating, after playtime).
    • First to fifth grade:  Appeal to this age range's love for problem-solving and decision-making.  You've found something cool that your child can learn to do fast!  Consider your child's potential interest in autonomy -- maybe with your help they can listen to the recording on your own and then discuss with you.  Again, quiet space is important.
    • Fifth grade and up:  Identity formation is important to this developmental age range.  You could directly ask what your child already knows about mindfulness and stress, and offer some resources to look at either alone or together.  You are a part of this group -- we encourage you to try out some GEMS yourself!

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Family Storytime (ages 3+)

Take a trip with your favorite flying animal!


Mindful Protective Bubble (ages 7+)

Practice surrounding yourself with a strong and protective bubble!


Autogenic Training (ages 10+)

Explore the warmth and calmness in your body!


Favorite Place (ages 10+)

Make a visit to a special place in your mind!


The Breath (ages 10+)

Notice your breathing and body movements!